Facebook marketing tips for businesses

Add relevant information and engage your audience with Facebook
A few simple tips will help you formulate the correct approach…
People who Like your business or brand on Facebook expect your posts to be at related to your business or industry.
It is just as easy for users to “Unlike” you than what it is to “Like” you on Facebook.
If a user “Likes” you on Facebook and he receives non-relevant information the user is very likely to unlike you or ignore your posts.
You priority should not be to have as many “likes” as possible. Your priority should be to build and engage with an audience that will add value to your business.
There is no point having a 1000 likes if users don’t read what you have to offer.
A few pointers on using Faceboook to engage your audience are:
Share milestones you’ve reached with your audience. Whether you’ve finished a project as a company or reached 100,000 fans on Facebook, tell your fans, so they can help celebrate and spread the word.
Write about a current event and tie it to your brand or industry.
Share testimonials, positive feedback and recommendations about your business. If your facebook fans love what you do and are vocal about it, share this with the rest of your audience, making sure to mention the original feedback.
Ask your audience to post questions, pictures or stories about your brand to your wall.
Repost the most interesting content back out as an update. Utilize this technique over a short period of time to keep your content towards the top of your wall and your user’s feeds.